Looking for Work?

Are you searching for a bar job? We can help. At BarStaffWanted you will find a totally free, vast resource of advertised bar positions, giving you, as jobseeker, a global and focused choice.

Targeted Jobs

The jobs advertised on this site are industry-specific. We concentrate on displaying only advertisements for bar work; exactly what you are looking for, saving you time and effort.

Email Notifications

Getting the latest bar job vacancies to arrive in your inbox means you can be the first applicant, securing that position fast. Signing up is simple, quick and free.

Easy to use Website

Our mobile, tablet and desktop friendly website helps you search quickly and from anywhere. Our simple process gets your CV online for employers to see in seconds.

Free to Jobseekers

BarStaffWanted means you can find your dream bar job – close to home or far and wide - free of charge. Absolutely nothing to pay.

Looking for Staff?

At BarStaffWanted you can fill that position quickly and easily to the best candidates. With many years in the recruitment industry, we can offer you our trusted expertise and a focused audience for your advertisement at low cost.

Targeted Jobs

Our jobseekers at BarStaffWanted uniquely search bar work in the hospitality sector worldwide. Applicants whose emphasis is solely on finding bar work, offering you fast recruitment.

Easy to use Website

Fast and simple to navigate, BarStaffWanted places your advertisement online within minutes. Our desktop, tablet and mobile-friendly site has the advantage of our uniquely in-house designed search engine. This means our resource offers you vast and fast access to candidates in the quickest time.

All Bar Types

Pub, club, gym or hotel – in London, Paris, New York or rural setting - your advertisement will reach those who are like-minded.

Outstanding value for money

At only for 1 month BarStaffWanted offers you excellent value for money and saves crucial time in filling those positions. See our rates.